Google Page Creator
If you are seeing this post you are looking at a web page created though Which is in turn owned by Google. With Blogger it helps if you understand html to make your website look different than the average blog. Google Page Creator lets create a website without having to understand html at all. You just have to know that you want "this" to go there and "that" to go over there. Google Page Creator lets you put a website together with multiple pages, so everything does not have to be on the home page. For example you can have on your home page links to your blog page, video page, vacation photo page and favorite sites page. All pages can be setup whatever way you want. Google Page Creator "makes creating your own web pages as easy as creating a document in a word processor." There is no program to buy or no program to download just log in with your GMail account username and password and "your in like flin." Only select gmail users can try this program out right now, because like gmail it is in a beta form. But I was fortunate to get an account for the Google Page Creator. You can find the page I have created here. There is not a lot on the page(s) right now but it is a work in progress. Don't fear I will continue to keep this blog going and there is still more changes to come to this blog. For more information about the Google Page Creator can be found here. If you have a gmail account you can try to get a Google Page Creator account here. If you do not have a gmail account just email me at sanman294 at gmail dot com and I will send you a gmail invite A.S.A.P. |
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