Having problems connecting to the Internet with FireFox?
Are you new to FireFox? And having problems getting it to connect to the internet? Try this simple solution. Run FireFox, in the task bar look for the Tools button. Click it. Now look for Options. Click it. A box will pop up allowing you to change the many features in FireFox to your liking. Look for the General Tab. Click it. At the bottom you will see Connection Settings. Click it. Select "Auto-detect proxy settings for this network" click ok and close FireFox. Now open Internet Explorer or the program provide by your ISP to connect to the internet. The way you have always done. Leave this open and running and start FireFox. FireFox will now automatically find all the information it needs to connect to the internet. You will now be able to run FireFox anytime you want without opening any other internet browser. If you are on dial-up, each time you open FireFox for the first time, each session, you will get a dialogue popup box asking for the email address and password that you have registered with you ISP. Enter that information and you will be on the internet as fast as your connection will allow. If you are on a always on internet connection, all you will have to do is click the FireFox icon and you will be on you favorite home page. After you have got FireFox up and running, you can make it work faster for you! I have found an application called FireTune that will tune FireFox for your computer and internet connection speed. It gets under the hood so to speak and tweaks certain settings to allow you to get the most out of your internet connection. Don't worry you don't have to know how to read HTML just select the option that best describes your computer and connection. FireTune will do the rest. If you are on ugh dialup you will notice a great improvement in connection speed. If you are on a high speed connection you will get the most out of your connection and might not notice any change. Because a faster connection can truly only be seen if you run a test from Broadband Reports to truly notice a before and after. |
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